Hi Friends,
I’am Esha Pandey Reiki Grand Master and Tarot card reader,I’am an MBA by education and having 10 years of corporate experience.I’am into spirituality since 9 years .In 2010 Reiki found me and during my Reiki journey I came across to many spiritual paths including Tarot cards,Lenormand Cards,Angel Therapy and witchcrafts( White Magick).I founded holistic healing centre”Cosmic Healer”.Moto of my Centre is “Help People,Serve People”
During My spiritual journey I came to know that each one of us has a hidden potential to write his own destiny through his positive intentions.Reiki energies are the extra benefits to push your limits.
Reiki energies are the universal force energies works on intentions and positive thoughts.It is a cosmic healing energy which heals our Mind,Body and Soul.There are 25 Chakras in our body which are directly related to our physical,emotional and mental problems.Reiki heals all these problems.
Reiki is a form of alternative medicine called energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.
Love and Peace
Esha Pandey
Reiki Grand Master
I’am Esha Pandey Reiki Grand Master and Tarot card reader,I’am an MBA by education and having 10 years of corporate experience.I’am into spirituality since 9 years .In 2010 Reiki found me and during my Reiki journey I came across to many spiritual paths including Tarot cards,Lenormand Cards,Angel Therapy and witchcrafts( White Magick).I founded holistic healing centre”Cosmic Healer”.Moto of my Centre is “Help People,Serve People”
During My spiritual journey I came to know that each one of us has a hidden potential to write his own destiny through his positive intentions.Reiki energies are the extra benefits to push your limits.
Reiki energies are the universal force energies works on intentions and positive thoughts.It is a cosmic healing energy which heals our Mind,Body and Soul.There are 25 Chakras in our body which are directly related to our physical,emotional and mental problems.Reiki heals all these problems.
Reiki is a form of alternative medicine called energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.
Love and Peace
Esha Pandey
Reiki Grand Master
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