Thursday, January 2, 2020

Switch Words

Esha Pandey
Reiki Grand Master-Cosmic Healer

Dear Friends!!!
Welcome to my Blog!!!!

Today I will tell you about magic of Switch Words.Will explain how we use it to manifest out desires and different method to use switch words.

What Are Switchwords?

Switchwords are modern mantras. They are purely Divine blessings. They can transform your life the way you want. They are not any Spells, Black Magic, Mumbo Jumbo or Witchcraft.Switchwords were first identified by the famous and renowned founder of Psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. He suggested that certain words have the power to reach into, and alter, our subconscious. Well, they are just simple, everyday words. No one knows exactly how a switchword works, but it is likely that it is connected to the vibrational frequency of the word, tapping into Subconscious mind. The literal meaning of the word is not important… It may be related to its meaning or it may not.

Who Can Use Switchwords?

Anyone can make use of Switchwords. There’s no danger or harm by their use, so feel free to try them for any situation that they could relieve or improve.

What Can I Use Switchwords For?

- For Money and Abundance

- For increasing Sales and Business, to clear Debts

- For any illnesses, diseases, even congenital deformities to relieve and correct

- Any wish fulfillment like to get a job, to get married, to manifest anything.

- For Building characters like Creativity, Confidence, Genius etc in us

- For clearing Negative energies and Negative emotions

- To resolve Relationship issues

And many more… Literally no limits.

Of course, they may not create a pair of wings on your back, may not give you superhuman powers like teleportation to another place… Except those miracles, almost anything is possible by Switchwords.

Switchwords are used in many ways.

Simple usage :

• Chant, whisper or say loudly many many times daily. Don't count... never focus on a number. Focus on intention. The more chanting the better.

• Write them down in a notebook many times daily. Dont count... Just write more times...

• Meditate them.

• Write them on your body once after every bath. But don’t write on your body when results are needed in another person.

• Write them on a sticker paper and stick that sticker on the body. Use a different sticker daily for hygienic reasons.

• Write them on wrist bands, knee guards, clothes or anything we wear. Sky is the limit for your imagination. For example, write hair growth Switchwords on a hair band and wear it on head.

• Write on a paper and stick on a water bottle (or write on bottle diectly) and drink that water in sips throughout the day. But after 15 minutes of writing.

Advanced usage of Switchwords :

• Use them with other healing modalities like Reiki, Crystal Grids etc.

• Use them with Emotional Freedom Technique.

• Use with Radionic machine.

What are Energy Circles? (EC) :

Energy Circles are a simple means of broadcasting the Energy components presented in them.

Anyone can create an Energy circle with Switchwords or Number codes or with both. All you need is a white paper (white both sides) and a pen. Just write the Switchwords or numbers or both on a white paper and draw a circle around it. The Energy circle is ready. The circle need not to be perfect round. Any shape is fine.

Energy circles can also include Defusing words, Energy Frequencies, Names of Bach flower Remedies, Names of Homeopathic Remedies, Animal Spirits etc.

Advanced users of Energy circles can create with Sanjeevinis, Sigils, Runes, Jibu symbols etc along with Switchwords, numbers and other components mentioned above.

Just by making Energy Circle by hand or by taking color print of an image of Energy Circle, they start working. No special activation is needed.

How to use them :

Take one or more color prints of Energy circle you want to use. Any size is fine. Just take care that all the contents are readable. That’s all.

1. Water charging method :

Place a water bottle on the color print of Energy circle for 15 seconds or more. That’s all… the water is charged now with the energy of Contents of Energy circle.

Prefer a clear transparent glass bottle. It is the no.1 preference. If managing a glass bottle is difficult, go for a clear transparent plastic bottle. Any container made of Steel, Bronze, Copper, Silver, Gold, Porcelein is fine to use. Don’t perefer colored bottles. That’s all.

Now drink that water in sips throughout the day or days. The charge in water is permanent.

Note : Laminate this print for durability. Even one drop of water can damage color print of an Energy Circle.

2. Three fingers method :

Place color print of Energy Circle on a flat and hard surface. Keep your left hand middle three fingers on the Energy Circle at the center for 15 seconds or more. The energy is now received by your body from Energy Circle.

3. Under Bed mattress method :

Place a Color print of Energy Circle under the bed mattress where you sleep daily.

When you sleep at night on this mattress, your Aura keeps on receiving the energy from this Energy Cicrle throughout that period.

If you keep under a mattress where you don’t sleep, it doesn’t serve any purpose.

Note :

If any negative elements names and illnesses names are written outside the Energy circle, it shall not be used by this method.

4. Pocket method :

Just carry a color print in your pocket facing body side. Your aura keeps receiving the energy from it throughout the time you keep in your pocket.

Don’t put any other cards or wallets in between the Energy circle and your body. They may hinder the Energy receiving by your Aura.

5. Name writing method / Photo placing method :

Write your name or the person’s name to be healed inside the Energy Circle. Always choose the topmost portion above Switchwords or numbers inside inner most circle of Energy Circle.

Never write in Sanjeevinis. They are usually given at the center of an Energy Circle.

Then fix it on a wall. It starts broadcasting energy to the person who’s name is inside.

Never hide these Energy circles meant for Broadcasting. Hiding intention deactivates these Energy circles.

Alternately, Keep a color print of Energy circle on a table or fridge top and place the photo of the person on it. Don’t paste. It starts broadcasting energy to the person who’s name is inside.

Or you can insert the photo of the person inside the Energy Circle using a computer and then take color print directly.

Then fix it on a wall. It starts broadcasting energy to the person who’s photo is inside.

Note :

Only 3 Energy Circles can be used by this method. That is the limit. If you use more than 3 by this method, all will stop working. So, be cautious.

Name Writing and photo placing method are same. So both methods included, only 3 Energy circles are allowed.

6. Energy Circle Sandwiches:

Take two color prints of same Energy circle. Laminate them. Cut to same size.

Write all wishes (pertaining to subject of this Energy Circle) on a white paper slip. Write your name below the wishes.

You can also add your photo along with wish slip.

Now place the wish slip and photo on first laminated Energy Circle. Close this with second laminated Energy Circle. Both Energy Circles shall face each other.

Now Energy Circle Sandwich is ready.

You can close this sandwich all sides with a transparent cello tape. Then keep it on a flat surface.

Note :

There is no limit for this method. Any number of Personalized Sandwiches can be made for a person.

Just don’t stack them. Always keep side by side on any flat surface.

Using Energy circles from mobile phone display :

When you dont have access to a printer or cant take print.... when you want immediate results, just charge water from your mobile phone display of Energy circle. Take care that phone display is continuously on for 20 seconds while charging. No interruptions.

You can do 3 fingers method also from mobile phone display. When finger tips are touched, the EC image on screen wont stay idle. It keeps moving. So take care that complete image stays for 20 seconds whole doing the 3 fingers method.

What are Number Codes?

Number Codes are powerful Energy sequences useful for various purposes. They are Unique and Quite effective.

Many healers intuited many systems of Number codes for various purposes.

The different number code systems we use are :

1. Lloyd Mear Numbers

2. Gigori Grabovoi numbers

3. Divine Healing codes

4. Sacred Codes

5. Divine numbers

6. Homeopathic vibration rates

7. Radionic rates

8. Blueiris numbers

9. Quantum K numbers

10. Rife frequencies

11. Solfeggio frequencies

12. Schumann resonance

Etc... the list continues....

Frequencies come with "Hz" as suffix after number.

It is to be spelt as "Hertz".

How to use Number codes and Frequencies

When any of these numbers are given in replies, you can do :

- Chant the number daily

- Write many times in a book

- Write on wall (Only Numbers meant for that Area).

- Write on body anywhere daily

Chanting :

You can chant either as full number or in plain digits. Full number is more effective than plain digits.

You can chant for others also....

Don't spend your energy focus on counting the number of times. Focus on wish, intention, outcome...

Writing on body :

Write on body or write the numbers on a sticker paper or tape and stick on body. Only write once after every bath.

Writing many times in a notebook :

Just an alternative to chanting... Some members find it easier than chanting... repeat the number while writing many times...

Writing on walls :

Harmony numbers, Balck Magic numbers, Protection numbers, pest control numbers, Negativity cleansing etc can be written directly on a wall. As they are for working in that specific area....

For your health and wishes, this method doesn't work... follow above methods.

Colors for different aspects :

Green - for increasing and growth...

For Abundance, Money, Business, Hair growth, height to increase etc....

Red - For reducing size and also for health....

For weight reduction, to bargain, for illnesses, Boils, tumors etc...

Blue - Soothing and calming.....

For fever, pain, love, relationship, all general aspects.

Orange - Wish fulfilment

Violet - Negativity cleansing

Black - Dispel evil

Pink - Love and relationships

Hope this information clears all your doubts…

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