Monday, October 21, 2019

Pyramid meditation

Greetings everyone. Today I would like to share magical benefits pyramid meditation. In case you resonate with this, you may incorporate this technique for self or others’ healing.

First, let’s discuss about the pyramid scientific research – the perfect geometrical shape, and design of pyramid.

Pyramid Research:

1.Bill Kerell is a researcher who experimented with pyramids for about 17 years. He has done many experiments using brine shrimp. Brine shrimp usually live 6 to 7 weeks; but under the pyramids, Bill has kept them alive for over a year. He also noticed that pyramid grown shrimp grew two to three times larger than normal. Bill has also done a lot of work with humans. One of the things he and his associates have found is that hypertensive individuals become tranquilized, but lethargic people become energetic again.

2. Egyptian Monuments – Great pyramid – Mummies – preservation of organic matter and hence delayed decomposition.

Healing Benefits of Pyramid visualizations/ Meditations:

1. Enhances brain activity – Helps the brain to regain Alpha state and Theta state. So it helps in expanded awareness and heightened intuitions. (Theta is the state of mind where you can create everything and change reality instantly, which can be achieved through deep meditation and is favorable for instant healing, relaxation, clarity, and calmness.)

2. Effective in shielding – You see Pyramid base, and apex, the design is so perfect for tough grounding, stability and hence it protects the physical body during out of body experiences and negative energies’ attacks.

3. Amplifies Healing – Because of pyramid geometrical shape, when someone enters the pyramid it constantly tries to keep its own energy field in balance and in doing so, it balances and releases blockages in our subtle energy fields (auras and chakras).

4. Self-realization and self-awareness – due to pyramid’s sacred geometry it builds and centers one’s energy.

5. Quicker Desire Manifestations – Amplified healing, balanced auras and chakras lead to rising in body vibrations which get in tune with desires’ vibrations and hence their manifestations.
Pyramid Visualizations / Pyramid Meditation :

You can purchase a pyramid, where you can build a pyramid via sticks and meditate inside that pyramid. But if space is a constraint, then you can simply visualize yourself inside a pyramid of golden (wisdom) /green (healing)/ violet (transmutation) or rainbow (thorough cleansing and healing) coloured energies, bathing in Divine Light, throughout healing process.

Loads of Divine Love and Light!

Esha Pandey

Reiki Grand Master-Cosmic Healer

Monday, October 14, 2019

Psychic Surgery

Hello Friends!!!

Welcome to my Blog!!!

Today I will talk about Psychic Surgery Through Reiki. Psychic Surgery is the healing technique through which healer perform surgeries without a cut in a body unlike normal operations and surgeries, This surgery is perform without touching the body of the patient and without any medical instruments, it is perform through intentions, thoughts and meditation. Isn't the magic??? We can remove Tumor, Cyst and other major things from our body simply from our positive intentions.

Reiki Psychic Surgery is a technique to remove deep-rooted blocks of negative/stagnant energy. These blockages are often the root-cause of disease and if not dealt with effectively can cause great anguish and instability. Such negativity can collect around individual organs and chakras, effectively strangulating their growth. Psychic surgery is a very effective way of dealing with these negative aspects of life, as well as alleviating/healing physical and emotional health problems.

Now, before you start imagining the weirdest, you should know that this form of psychic surgery differs from others in that it does not involve hands digging around inside the body; it is totally non-invasive. The client lies still, as during a standard Reiki treatment, and is always free to ask questions or observe the process if they choose.

It is taught in the Master degree in Reiki.

Blockages in the aura or chakras can cause physical or emotional diseases. Reiki Psychic Surgery is an effective way of removing these blockages and healing the body and mind of the patient.

I have been healing a lot of clients successfully with this method and the desired results have been felt by my clients.


  • Make the client lie on the table or if a distance psychic surgery is to be done then connect to the client using the Distance Healing Symbol.
  • Ground yourself by drawing the power symbol below both your feet and on the 7 main Chakras of your body, this will act as your shield. Do the same for your client.
  • Call upon Reiki Masters, Guides, Angels, Archangels, or just connect to your higher self to guide you through the surgery and state the intention before starting the procedure. I also invoke St. Germain and his violet flame to purge the negative energies I pull out of the client.
  • Do a Byosen Scan on the client; your hand will automatically stop wherever there is depleted energy or a blockage. Start healing that particular place with the white light. I often sense or see the impurities in the form of net, knives, ropes, pebbles, chord, tar etc. Scrape or pull them out and throw them into the violet flame. Keep doing this till the energy does not feel dense in that particular area.
  • Once the surgery is completed, pass white light on the whole body, and close the surgery by covering the clients body with golden Power symbol.
  • Thank the Reiki Master, Guides, Angels, Archangels, God or the higher self (whoever was invoked during the surgery) for their presence and guidance.

To Learn this wonderful healing art and to serve mankind you can always contact me .

Love and Peace
Esha Pandey
Reiki Grand Master-Cosmic Healer

Friday, October 11, 2019

How to Heal Future Goals with Reiki

Hello Friends!!!

Welcome to my blog!!!

After knowing all the symbols , here now you will know how to practice Reiki to heal future goals.

We make Reiki Healing Ball to heal particular issues or goal of our lives.

 Reiki Balls, also known as Chi Balls, are the collective mass of positive divine energy. We can say Reiki balls are the balls of focused Divine Reiki Light. We can create Reiki balls by focusing DRL on one point in between our hands.

Reiki balls are very useful healing tools. We can use Reiki balls for:
  • Transferring distant Reiki attunements.
  • To cut cords.
  • To heal the past issues which trouble us in present life.
  • For self healing.
  • As protection, protecting ourselves and protecting others.
  • Can be used in future just by calling them.
How the Reiki Balls Work
Reiki balls just work on our intentions. With pure intentions we can create powerful Reiki balls. We put our intentions of healing, attunement, cutting cords, protection or whatever we feel like transferring, into the ball and send it to the desired person, place or thing via space with love and light. Whatever intention we put into the balls these work on that very intention after these are received by the recipient.

Creating Reiki Ball
  • Be in comfortable position.
  • Focus yourself.
  • Have few deep breaths.
  • Chant Om silently.
  • Ground and shield yourself by drawing symbols.
  • Take your hands (cup shaped) up to shoulder level, keeping two feet apart, both               palms facing each other. Make a connection of Third Eye with your palms and draw       all the Reiki symbols you are attuned to mentally on palms.
  • Start bringing hands towards each other very slowly till you get the feel of energy, take the hands away and again bring them closer. Repeat the process till you feel a energy ball in your hands.
  •  Connect the ball with Third Eye.
  • Draw symbols Cho Ku Rei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, Sei Hei ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, Cho Ku Rei into ball with Third Eye and project them with dominant hand.
  • Now embed the intention of creating Reiki ball into it.
  •  Hold the ball firmly in the hands. Repeat the intention of forming the ball.
  • In case of attunement call the name of person or persons to whom you are          transferring the distance attunement.
  •  Feel the warmth of Reiki ball in your hands.
  • Your Reiki ball is ready to send to the destination.

How to Release the Reiki Balls
Bring both hands together, palms facing upwards. Now very gently, politely, with a beautiful smile on face send the ball to space with love and light keep watching the ball with closed eyes till it vanishes from the sight.
In case of self healing bring the ball near Solar Plexus and with a gentle jerk send it inside the body.
In case of attunement visualize the person in front of you and intentionally place the Reiki ball, embedded with symbols to the person’s Crown chakra with a violet breath.
After sending ball to its destined place rub both hands, put on eyes and open them slowly. You are done with creating ball.
Receiving Reiki Ball
  • Be in comfortable position
  • Have few relaxed breaths
  • Ground yourself
  • Be in meditative state
  • Be receptive
  • Say I am receiving healing, attunement etc. from the source via so and so person. May the divine power let me undergo the transmission. Be in this state for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Pay gratitude to supreme power, master, yourself and all the deities.
  • In case of self empowerment receive it with a deep belly breath. Pay gratitude to DRL.

Reiki balls are very effective and sound method of distance healing and attunements.
Hope you all will try this method of creating, sending and receiving the Reiki balls and will get the benefits out of it.
For the Attunement of the Symbols contact Cosmic Healer. We are happy to help you.

Love and Peace
Esha Pandey
Reiki Grand Master- Cosmic Healer


Hello Friends!!!

Welcome to my Blog!!!
After knowing the interesting facts about Chakras now we talk about Aura.


Every matter in the universe emits an energy or unseen glow of light.Similarly our body,which according to the Quantum physics is a field of vibrations.These vibrations emanate an energy field called “AURA” which surrounds our body and is usually seen by the spiritual awaken people.Not only human beings but also animals and plants,even non living things like stones and objects have auras.

Our Aura is weakened by lack of spirituality,lack of exercise,negative karmas,thoughts and emotions. when our body aura is weakened different kinds of infection may strike our body which represents the weakening of our immunity.

Every Human Being is surrounded by different Aura colours representing the person’s nature,thoughts,moods,emotions,diseases,vitality,personality etc. 

                                                                    Aura Cleaning

Aura Cleaning is a good technique to use for clearing depression,frustration,pain and sorrows out of person’s energy field.An aura cleansing releases and removes blocked negative energy from both the auric field and the physical body.As the auric field is cleansed,any deneser negative energy in the physical body will partially or completely break up and move easily.This is why it is important to pay attention to smoothing out the energy field around the body to complete the process of healing. Aura cleansing are very beneficial for the body and can be used to keep the energy clear and to prevent illness.

Love and Peace
Esha Pandey
Reiki Grand Master-Cosmic Healer

Thursday, October 10, 2019

What Is Chakra

www.cosmic-healer.inHello Friends!!!

Welcome to my Blog!!!

Now its time to know about Chakras.

What Is a Chakra?

There are seven main chakras, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. These invisible wheels of energy keep us vibrant and healthy. This article is the first in a Chakra series, and offers an overview of the seven chakras and how they can affect our lives.

The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disk. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. To visualize a chakra in the body, imagine a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet. This invisible healing energy, called Prana, is vital life force, which keeps us vibrant, healthy, and alive.

The Importance of the Main Chakras in the Body

These swirling wheels of energy correspond to massive nerve centers in the body. Each of the seven main chakras contains bundles of nerves and major organs as well as our psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being. Since everything is moving, it’s essential that our seven main chakras stay open, aligned, and fluid. If there is a blockage, energy flows are restricted. Think of something as simple as your bathtub drain. If you allow too much hair to go into the drain, the bathtub will back up with water, stagnate and eventually bacteria and mold will grow. So is too with our bodies and the chakras. A bathtub is simple; it’s physical so the fix is easy.
Keeping a chakra open is a bit more of a challenge, but not so difficult when you have awareness. Since mind, body, soul, and spirit are intimately connected, awareness of an imbalance in one area through chakra meditation will help bring the others back into balance. Take for example, a wife, who has recently lost her husband. She develops acute bronchitis, which remains in the chest, and then gets chest pains each time she coughs. The whole heart chakra is affected in this case. If she realizes the connection between the loss and the bronchitis, healing will occur much faster if she honors the grieving process and treats that as well as the physical ailment.

The Chakras of Matter

The first three chakras, starting at the base of the spine are chakras of matter. They are more physical in nature.
First Chakra: The Muladhara ( ROOT CHAKRA) is the chakra of stability, security, and our basic needs. It encompasses the first three vertebrae, the bladder, and the colon. When this chakra is open, we feel safe and fearless. The Color is RED.
Second Chakra: The Svadhisthana chakra (HARA CHAKRA)  is our creativity and sexual center. It is located above the pubic bone, below the navel, and is responsible for our creative expression.The Color is ORANGE.
Third Chakra: The Manipura chakra( Solar Chakra) means lustrous gem and it’s the area from the navel to the breastbone. The third chakra is our source of personal power.The Color is Yellow.

The Fourth Chakra: The Connection Between Matter and Spirit

Located at the heart center, the fourth chakra, anahata ( HEART CHAKRA) is at the middle of the seven and unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit. The fourth is also spiritual but serves as a bridge between our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The heart chakra is our source of love and connection. The Color is Green.
When we work through our physical chakras, or the first three, we can open the spiritual chakras more fully.

The Chakras of Spirit

Fifth Chakra: The Vishuddha chakra( THROAT CHAKRA) is the fifth chakra, located in the area of the throat. This is our source of verbal expression and the ability to speak our highest truth. The fifth chakra includes the neck, thyroid, and parathyroid glands, jaw, mouth, and tongue.The Color is BLUE.
Sixth Chakra: The Ajna chakra ( THIRD EYE CHAKRA) is located in between the eyebrows. It is also referred to as the “third eye” chakra. Ajna is our center of intuition. We all have a sense of intuition but we may not listen to it or heed its warnings. Focus on opening the sixth chakra will help you hone this ability.The Color is INDIGO BLUE.
Seventh Chakra: The Sahaswara chakra ( CROWN CHAKRA) or the “thousand petal lotus” chakra is located at the crown of the head. This is the chakra of enlightenment and spiritual connection to our higher selves, others, and ultimately, to the divine. It is located at the crown of the head.The Color is VIOLET.
Our bodies are in constant flux between balance and imbalance. Unless you experience an apparent problem in one area of the body, imbalances can be difficult to detect. That being said, it’s good to bring pure awareness to your body/mind and start understanding its signals and clues so that you can align your chakras.
For example, frequent constipation can indicate a blockage in the first chakra. A recurring sore throat leaves clues to a blocked fifth chakra. Frequent headaches around the area of the forehead may mean your sixth chakra is blocked.

Love and Peace
Esha Pandey
Reiki Grand Master- Cosmic Healer

Karuna Reiki Symbols

Hi Friends!!!

Welcome to my blog, here now I will discuss about Symbols of Karuna Reiki:

Karuna Reiki Symbols 

Karuna Reiki presents Nine symbols with specific energetic frequencies for specific conditions. Each symbol holds an energy, so it can be used to invoke its meaning, and further its effect to bring healing where is needed through different techniques like symbol chanting.

1.  Om

Om or Aum is a very powerful symbol. It is beyond time, as it’s considered the source of all creation, the eternal oneness of all that is. Before being discovered as a symbol in Karuna Reiki®, it was the most sacred sound found in Yoga. It can be used even if no attunement to Reiki has been made.
Those four subtle sounds of Om correspond to four levels of consciousness as following: “A” – conscious, waking state; “U” – subtle, unconscious dream state; “M” – subconscious, deep sleep state; the fourth sound is the silence, which represents the absolute consciousness that illuminates and pervades the three prior states.
Other uses of this symbol:
  • creates a pathway to God and Higher Consciousness
  • purifies, protects, seals and stabilizes the Aura
  • regular chanting leads to open and activate the Third Eye Chakra
  • used in all Beej Mantras.

2. Zonar

Zonar is a symbol of Karuna Reiki which stands for healing past lives, karmic and inter-dimensional issues. Is one of the most powerful and useful symbols as it helps in the initial phases of deep cellular healing.
Zonar Reiki SymbolOther uses of this symbol:
  • Zonar along with Usui distance healing symbol HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN releases all traumatic events from cellular level
  • amplifies distance healing
  • helps one access past lives where healing for trauma is needed
  • works as a spiritual and emotional anesthesia hence reducing emotional pain
  • dissolves addictions, breaks repeated patterns, and eliminates toxic relations
  • heals body pains, relationship issues, epilepsy, Inner Child issues (especially childhood abuse)
  • releases shame and unworthiness from subconscious mind
  • used to call upon Archangel Gabrielle.
3. Halu

Halu symbol is an amplification of Zonar due to the added pyramid. It works especially on higher dimensions and deeper levels. In some Reiki Systems, Halu is also used as Master Symbol.
Halu Reiki SymbolOther uses of this symbol:
  • restores balance physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and brings about deep healing
  • breaks up negative patterns and dissolves the ego
  • helps to see and accept the truth, also strengthening the Solar Plexus
  • clears blockages from all chakras
  • opens channel to Higher Consciousness
  • shields from psychic attacks when the symbol is drawn on the heart
  • used for sexual and physical abuse issues
  • great for distance healing
4.  Harth

Harth is one of the most important symbols of Karuna Reiki, being used for all issues of the heart, be it emotional or physical.
Harth Reiki SymbolOther uses of this symbol:
  • removes blocks, uproots fears, and fills the empty space with compassionate love
  • heals broken relationships
  • helps one experience unconditional love
  • develops self-love
  • dissolves suicidal tendencies and different types of addiction
  • protects from all kinds of psychic attacks
  • sustains fundamental changes in our life.

5.  Rama

Rama is a symbol used only of those attuned to Karuna Reiki®. It represents the bonding between male and female energy.
Rama Reiki SymbolOther uses of this symbol:
  • symbolizes joy and happiness
  • helps to ground in all directions
  • cleanses and balances the six chakras
  • revives one’s chi and creates determination
  • used to manifest materialistic goals
  • used to cleanse and purify crystals
  • brings responsibility and heals lack of confidence
  • improves relationships
  • Archangel Michael’s presence can be felt while healing with Rama symbol
  • combined with CKR and SHK, will optimize the effect of healing.
6.  Gnosa

Gnosa is another Karuna Reiki symbol. It helps to clear clutter from the mind while strengthening the connection with the Higher Self. It has the ability to merge conscious and subconscious mind together, opening the chakras and increasing our awareness.
Gnosa Reiki SymbolOther uses of this symbol:
  • reveals the underlying reasons of pain and trauma
  • helps to keep an open mind about new concepts and acknowledge the spiritual and deep truth about things
  • helps to learn physical activities such as sports, dancing, martial arts
  • improves communication skills – best for studies, projects, and research
  • used along with Rama, helps the Higher Self to manifest on the physical plane.
7.  Kriya

Kriya symbol of Karuna Reiki is a double Cho Ku Rei used especially for physical manifestation and healing the human race. The clockwise symbol connects one to the heavens and has masculine energy and the other to the earth and has feminine energy.
Kriya Reiki SymbolOther uses of this symbol:
  • helps to get our priorities straight, manifesting our wishes and desires
  • get rid of all attachments
  • heals the bonds with family
  • wonderful symbol for grounding.
8.  Iava

Karuna Reiki symbol Iava (EE-AH-VAH) helps us to understand that we create our own history and future. It recovers personal power.
Iava Reiki SymbolOther uses of this symbol:
  • helps in setting goals, build strong persistence, follow our path
  • helps to maintain healthy boundaries
  • removes ego
  • teaches we are responsible for our own happiness, emotions, and feelings
  • helps recognizing interdependence more easily
  • connects us deeply with Mother Nature.

9. Shanti

Shanti is a beautiful Karuna Reiki symbol meaning peace. It’s very useful for manifesting desirable results and releasing all fears and insecurities.
Shanti Reiki SymbolOther uses of this symbol:
  • cures panic attacks, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and restlessness including nightmares
  • brings calmness and releases all worries about things
  • develops clairvoyance
  • Chakra balancing.

Love and PeaceEsha Pandey
Reiki Grand Master- Cosmic Healer

Monday, October 7, 2019

Symbols in Reiki Level 3-Master Level and Karuna Reiki

Hi Friends,

Now I will talk about Reiki level 3-Master Level and Karuna Reiki and its symbols to connect your higher self and heal others and yourself.

Master Symbol :

Dai ko myo, the master symbol, represents all that is reiki. Its intention is enlightenment. The symbol is used by reiki masters only when attuning initiates. It is the symbol that heals the healers by combining the power of the harmony, power, and distance symbols.

With the master attunement and the use of the master symbol, we receive the opportunity to open more and more completely to the limitless potential of Reiki and to develop in ourselves the qualities that are contained in the Reiki energy. Consider all the aspects of Reiki energy - besides the potential to heal virtually all illness, it also contains unlimited love, joy, peace, compassion, wisdom, abundance and even more. We know these are the qualities of Reiki because people experience them when giving or receiving Reiki treatments. They are especially apparent when we meditate on the source of Reiki. When doing so, many are lifted up into a safe place where they feel completely cared for and become aware of the wonderful possibilities that can come from within.

Reiki comes to us by the Grace of God and it is this same Grace that heals us and fosters our personal growth. Yet development does not take place automatically. Reiki respects our free will and does not force development on us, but if we seek it and intend it, and use Reiki for this purpose, then certainly, we will be guided into a greater healing experience. Try this experiment. Begin doing Reiki on yourself using the master symbol with your hands in any position that is comfortable. (If you are not a Reiki master but have level I or II, try it anyway without the master symbol.) Then meditate on this affirmation. "I surrender completely to the Reiki energy and the source from which it comes." Repeat this affirmation over and over, then as the Reiki energy continues to flow, with your inner eye, look for the source of Reiki, either within yourself or above.

When we receive the Usui master symbol and the attunement that empowers it, it creates the possibility for us to become aware of the Ultimate Reality. This is expressed in the definition of the Usui master symbol which indicates that it represents that part of the self that is already completely enlightened! When we use the master symbol, we are actually connecting with our own enlightened selves. This in fact, is the true source of Reiki energy - it actually comes from the deepest and most important part of our own nature, our own enlightened self!. While it may appear to some to come from outside ourselves appearing to come down through the crown chakra, this is actually an illusion and only appears this way because of our limited awareness.

Karuna energy carries the purpose of “ending the suffering of others”, supporting all compassionate actions towards self and others. It’s an intentional and motivating quality of all enlightened beings to cease suffering on Earth.
Karuna Reiki, also known as Reiki of Compassion, is a system of healing that has evolved out of the Usui Reiki System.
Its own symbols and attunement techniques were received while various forms of Reiki Healing were researched by very gifted Reiki Masters. Some of the symbols may be also used by other schools and systems but the attunements and the intentions are different.

Love and Peace
Esha Pandey
Reiki Grand Master


Sunday, October 6, 2019

Symbols in Reiki

What are Symbols in Reiki???

In "traditional" Reiki there are three Reiki symbols given during the Reiki 2 Attunement (initiation). They are: the Power symbol (Choku Rei), the Mental/Emotional symbol (Sei He Ki) and the Distance symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen). 

1) Choku Rei is pronounced: "Cho-Koo-Ray") The general meaning of Choku Rei is: "Place the power of the universe here". The power symbol can be used to increase the power of Reiki. It can also be used for protection. See it as a light switch that has the intention to instantly boost your ability to channel Reiki energy.You can Invoke CHO KU RAY and call it 3 times to activate it.Reiki symbols were derived frompractices in certain branches of Buddhism. The Reiki symbols act as a kind of bridge, connecting the practitioner to certain energy vibrational states.

2. Se -He-Ki Sei He Ki has a general meaning of: "God and man become one". The Mental/Emotional symbol brings together the "brain and the body". It helps people to bring to the surface and release the mental/emotional causes of their problems. ... This symbol can be used to help with emotional and mental healing.  

3. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is pronounced as: "Hon-Sha-Zee-Show-Nen")
The Distance symbol can, as its name implies, be used to send energies over a distance. Time and distance is no problem when using this Reiki symbol. Many practitioners consider Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen as the most useful and powerful symbol. The use of the symbol gives access to the "Akashic Records", the life records of each soul and can therefore be used in karmic healing.

Love and Peace
Esha Pandey
Reiki Grand Master

Saturday, October 5, 2019

What can we heal through Reiki?

  • Hi Friends!!!

    Reiki is a cosmic healing energy,which we can use ourself and others.

    Physical issues and Diseases

    We give healing for physical diseases such as migraine, sciatica, asthma, constipation, blood pressure, insect bites, epilepsy, Sexual,conceiving, birthing, headaches, gas pains, frozen shoulder, cancer, stroke, slipped disc, gangrene, skin problems, gastro intestinal problems, heart and circulatory diseases, urinary and endocrine diseases, skeletal and muscular disorders, brain and nervous problems , children, journeys , court cases, job interviews, sports matches, protection from black magic attacks, sale and purchase of property / vehicles, fashion shows, to pets , plants and farms. 
  • Heal Future Course of Actions

    The future is determined by our actions in the present. It is obviously of utmost importance that we put in our best efforts in we want the future to be pleasant. In addition to this however, healing the future can have its advantages.Sometimes, there are important events coming up, like a wedding, a baby on the way, or an important presentation. These situations could benefit from the maximum amount of energy we can channel 
  • Relationship Healings

    We can heal Relationships,Love,marriage,Relationship with Spouse,Break Extra Marital affairs,heal abusive relationships,heal trauma. 
  • Emotional Healing

    We can Heal depressions,anxiety,anger management,Traumas. 
  • Career and Financial issues

    We can heal blockages in financial issues,We deal in career and job issues,promotions ,increments.

    Reiki Master can heal all issues through some sacred symbols.

    Love and Peace
    Esha Pandey
    Reiki Grand Master

How to channelise Reiki?

Hi Friends!!!

Today I will tell you the levels of Reiki and how it works.

Reiki Attunements help clear energetic pathways in the body, allowing Reiki energies to flow through the recipient's body more easily, thereby correcting physical and mental problems.There are 3 levels of Reiki

Level 1- The first degree opens the energy channel and permits the student to channel Reiki, mainly at the physical level, both for himself and for others. It consists of one initiation in the Usui Tibetan system.

Level 2-Reiki Level 2 Attunement is a process that attunes you to a higher frequency of Reiki energy enabling you to channel Reiki energy and use the Reiki 2 symbols and mantras. ... The Reikimaster uses a combination of symbols and mantras to connect you to the Reiki universal life force.

Level 3- Third degree Reiki is taught in a variety of ways. Some instructors will initiate (attune) students into the third level without giving the class structures to their students for becoming teachers. ... No judgment intended the fact is that the title "Master" was given to them by their teacher so it was accepted.

Reiki is a group of symbols which we use to connect to higher realms.Througj these scared symbols we can heal ourself and others.

Love and Peace
Esha Pandey
Reiki Grand Master

What are TwinFlames❤️❤️

  What Are Twin Flame Souls??? A  twin flame  is  your  own soul, shared across what appears to be two physical beings. It's one soul sp...