Greetings everyone. Today I would like to share magical benefits pyramid meditation. In case you resonate with this, you may incorporate this technique for self or others’ healing.
First, let’s discuss about the pyramid scientific research – the perfect geometrical shape, and design of pyramid.
Pyramid Research:
1.Bill Kerell is a researcher who experimented with pyramids for about 17 years. He has done many experiments using brine shrimp. Brine shrimp usually live 6 to 7 weeks; but under the pyramids, Bill has kept them alive for over a year. He also noticed that pyramid grown shrimp grew two to three times larger than normal. Bill has also done a lot of work with humans. One of the things he and his associates have found is that hypertensive individuals become tranquilized, but lethargic people become energetic again.
2. Egyptian Monuments – Great pyramid – Mummies – preservation of organic matter and hence delayed decomposition.
Healing Benefits of Pyramid visualizations/ Meditations:
1. Enhances brain activity – Helps the brain to regain Alpha state and Theta state. So it helps in expanded awareness and heightened intuitions. (Theta is the state of mind where you can create everything and change reality instantly, which can be achieved through deep meditation and is favorable for instant healing, relaxation, clarity, and calmness.)
2. Effective in shielding – You see Pyramid base, and apex, the design is so perfect for tough grounding, stability and hence it protects the physical body during out of body experiences and negative energies’ attacks.
3. Amplifies Healing – Because of pyramid geometrical shape, when someone enters the pyramid it constantly tries to keep its own energy field in balance and in doing so, it balances and releases blockages in our subtle energy fields (auras and chakras).
4. Self-realization and self-awareness – due to pyramid’s sacred geometry it builds and centers one’s energy.
5. Quicker Desire Manifestations – Amplified healing, balanced auras and chakras lead to rising in body vibrations which get in tune with desires’ vibrations and hence their manifestations.
Pyramid Visualizations / Pyramid Meditation :
You can purchase a pyramid, where you can build a pyramid via sticks and meditate inside that pyramid. But if space is a constraint, then you can simply visualize yourself inside a pyramid of golden (wisdom) /green (healing)/ violet (transmutation) or rainbow (thorough cleansing and healing) coloured energies, bathing in Divine Light, throughout healing process.
Loads of Divine Love and Light!
Esha Pandey
Reiki Grand Master-Cosmic Healer